Gabriel Stauffer-搜索结果

  • 欢愉之书 O Livro dos Prazeres


    导演:Marcela Lordy   编剧:Josefina Trotta, Marcela Lordy

    主演:西蒙娜·斯波拉多, 哈维尔·多罗拉斯, 菲利普·罗恰, Gabriel Stauffer, 玛莎·诺维尔, Teo Almeida, 莱昂德拉·利尔, Julia Leal Youssef, 安娜·卡尔巴蒂

      Lóri, a free spirited and a1rac3ve teacher, leads an ero3c life of love affairs, taking charge of her own desires and needs, whilst knowingly avoiding any a1achments.

  • 重返15岁 De Volta aos 15

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Vivianne Jundi, Dainara Toffoli   编剧:Renata Kochen, Alice Marcone, 布莱恩·鲁夫, Janaína Tokitaka

    主演:Gabriel Stauffer, 玛丽安娜·希欧斯, Yana Sardenberg, Amanda de Azevedo, Gabriel Wiedemann, Paulo Mucheroni, Luciana

      Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister...